Dynamics 365
System Health Check

Identify your current system performance and upgrading needs with our Dynamics 365 System Health Check.


Why Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM Free Health Check is required?

Often businesses face system failure even after getting successful ERP or CRM implementation. They avail of several advanced functionalities, but nothing works out since the root part is ignored.We provide Dynamics 365 free health check that gives insights for your current system upgrading needs as well as futuristic needs to drive efficiency for the long run. Our experts can help you identify your system lacks and actual upgrading needs to bridge this gap.Now, let's understand, what sort of processes are involved in our System Health Check.

Get to the core of your Dynamics 365 issues with our free Health Check

Get to the core of your Dynamics 365 issues
with our free Health Check

Dynamics ERP/CRM Health Check

Process Performance

In process performance, we review your system to figure out what sort of things are working as a proven milestone for your business and what are the lacking areas that are disabling your system to drive efficiency. In this process, we involve all your business areas and map them with existing processes.

We conclude all the departments to reveal the pain areas that need to be sorted out. After performing this review, we get insight into your bottom line and come up with where to begin.

For instance, it may reveal:

  • Whether there is a lack of proper user training?
  • How flexible your users are in new system adaption?
  • Is your workforce aware of their processes and able to navigate the system as per their need?

At Dynamics Square, our experts can diagnose the gaps and can provide you with an actual review of your system. Moreover, we suggest how your gaps can be fulfilled and supported with the right solution and support.


Get to the core of your Dynamics 365 issues
with our free Health Check


Feature Review

There could be many features included in your existing Dynamics 365 system that you are not using anymore. As we know Microsoft comes with regular releases and updates in their products. But do you know these updates comprise improvements, customizations, and even sometimes bring full addition to their product?

Dynamics Square's Team stays updated with these releases in a timely manner and leverage the same updated knowledge while performing feature review in your system. We identify the unused features lying in your system and explore the productive ones to be implemented.

Dynamics 365 System Health Check

Identify your current system performance and upgrading needs with Dynamics 365 System Health Check.


Code Auditing

A good code enables your system to run smoother and in an uninterrupted way. On the other way, a bad code can ruin your system gradually or when you plan to alter your system. If you allow multiple organizations, developers, or contractors to work on your system, it could be a result of bad code.

When we perform code auditing, we ensure the following:

  • We review your code applying standard practices including deployment practices, source control, and more.
  • We recommend the necessary code update based on the changes applied to the SDK.
  • Suggest the best possible ways wherein your code can be streamlined to run smoother.
  • Identify and suggest if a complex code can be replaced with the simplified one.
  • Suggest shifting long or time-consuming processes to the azure (if possible)
  • Diagnose your system for better server specifications for your on-premises system.
  • Reframe JavaScript code to use Web API instead of using soap-based web services.
  • Recommendation for removing the code which is not supported by Microsoft's products.

Upgrading Analysis

If you are not using an updated system and driving your business practices using old versions or older system configurations, your system may not run faster or even may slow down your processes.

We check whether your existing dynamics configuration, system integration, and data-driven practices are matching to your current processes and business needs. We check and determine the necessary upgrades and what sort of things are required to ensure your system is to the latest version of Dynamics. We can even let you aware whether you still need on-premises or need on-cloud configuration along with tools required to support your system upgrade.


Data Health Check

Do you think that your data is reliable and is free of redundancies? If not, will occur issues or unreliability while creating analytics and reports or sharing with people in your organization.

At Dynamics Square, we can suggest how to remove redundant data or drive data cleaning to ensure reliable and key data to access, process, and share that serve a purpose across your enterprise. We can also help in monitoring your system in a better way.

Analyzing Licensing Needs

Depending on the different set of practices you involve, your licensing need could be different even from your competitor. You could have a different level of data sets that you need to roll out. Our experts help to identify the most cost-effective licensing plan for you. We also evaluate your current and futuristic data storage needs and suggest you the best possible and cost-effective data storage plans.


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The right technology can change everything, and Dynamics Square ensures your business gets the tools it needs to succeed. Take the first step towards smarter solutions now!
